
Fall protection for the construction industry

Protect-in are manufactures of fall protection for the construction industry. Our fall protection comes in the form of barricade fencing also known as barrier fencing. The fall protection has excellent properties including the ability to withstand an impact and lateral force resistance of more than 1200kg. This impact force resistance is certainly enough to protect workers on a construction site. The Protect-in fall protection barrier fences are adjustable, flexible and allow different modulations. The flexibility of the fall protection means it is possible to adjust the barriers to fit difficult angles.
Easy assembly of fall protection

The easy assembly of our fall protection means there is a lot of time saved when it comes to protecting the workers on the construction site. As we all know time is money, particularly in construction, where running costs are high. The Protect-in fall protection is constructed of high resistance to impact material and it is constructed of extremely light textile and it is easy to store,and the fences are printable meaning you can showcase your company logo, or and site safety rules at your construction site.

Safety equipment in the construction industry is essential not only for keeping workers safe but also for keeping the public safe if construction is taking place in a busy place such as a city centre. The consequences of not adhering to safety rules and not protecting workers and the general public do not bear thinking about. It should always be “safety first” in the construction industry.

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Lawn care

We here in South Africa have grown accustomed to water restrictions over the last few years because of drought or near-drought conditions. This makes lawn care a bit difficult. For some it’s a personal choice, but mostly we are forced to reduce the amount of water we give our grass and plants.

We are forced to look into methods of conserving water and still have a lush green and wonderfully soft landscape to enjoy those summer days on.

The South African sun is wonderful, but can be very harsh on landscapes not getting more than enough water, for this reason we try to mow our grass on a higher lawn mower setting. This will shade the roots more, encourage development and reduces the amount of moisture lost from the soil.

When times really are tough try not to remove the clippings. This not only helps shade the roots better, but also improves the quality of the soil as it breaks down slowly and adds to your lawn care regime.

Most lawns only need about 25mm or 2.5cm of water per week to survive. A quick sprinkle every other day will not be enough. Try to rather give the full amount at once as this will ensure a deep root system and protect the lawn against aggressive heat. A great lawn care tip is to put an empty tuna can on your lawn – when it’s full, you’ve watered about the right amount.

Another great lawn care tip is to water your lawn early in the morning. There is more moisture in the air in the mornings which may reduce water evaporation. Also try to keep the irrigation as close to the ground as possible. Try to water on a day were there are no breezes or at the least a very light breeze. Wind can blow sprinklers off target and speed evaporation.

Then something South Africans are not too excited about is lawn alternatives or simply to reduce the size of your lawn. Different ways of doing this is with groundcover, clover, ornamental grasses and flower & shrub beds. Each one of these methods has their own positives so I suggest doing some research on the different options available to you. This will also cut the time you spend on lawn care significantly.

Home Improvement on a Budget

In the current economic climate, you can count yourself lucky if you have a roof over your head. However, for most of us a house is not only the place where we sleep at night. A house is a home, a sanctuary, a place to escape from the rest of the world, to relax and be with our loved ones.   No wonder we want our homes to be beautiful. A little bit of home improvement can go a long way towards making your house more than the sum of its parts and best of all, it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg.

  • Prettify the front door area.   A lick of paint or varnish, or even a new front door can dramatically change the appearance of your house. You can also decorate this area with a pot plant or install new outdoor lighting.
  • Play with lighting. A new kitchen light or fixture over the dining table is bound to change the whole ambience of a room. Home improvement could even just involve installing a dimmer switch to make current lighting more versatile.
  • As one of the most used rooms in the house, bathrooms can show wear very quickly. Replacing chipped tiles, putting in new towel racks and changing bathroom curtains or blinds can give your bathroom a newer, fresher look. If your budget allows, go the whole hog and install a new toilet, sink and bath.
  • One of the easiest ways to transform a room, is installing new handles or knobs on cabinet doors. Home improvement honestly doesn’t get much easier than this.
  • A few simple, inexpensive items, such as throws, pillows, rugs and pots of flowers will bring any room to life. Play around with the things you already have and try putting them in new locations. The change may surprise you.
  • Finally, have fun with home improvement. A few cosmetic changes here and there are hardly permanent and if you don’t like the end result, you could just change it back to the way it was. However, you are more likely to love your improved home!

Buying a House

Buying a house is a big decision in everyone’s lives. It’s the biggest purchase of your life, and small mistakes can cost large. So we’ve drawn up a house-buying guide with a few tips on getting your hands on your dream home.

It is said that you only need to look at three things when buying a house – location, location and location. So let’s look at this point in a bit more detail. Will you be comfortable with the commute to work and the time spent on the roads? How far is it from the nearest schools? What is the security in the area like? If it’s a too expensive area, look at a neighboring area.

Make a list of things you are looking for in a home. Some comforts you will be flexible on and others not, so give them scores of importance. Also remember to include your future family plans.

Start your search online when buying a house. Property agents all have websites these days. Spend some time educating yourself about what’s available in the market. When you have a sense of what’s out there, you’ll be able to make better decisions as an informed buyer.

When buying a house, don’t just take the first deal you come across. Do your homework on property prices in the area. Get the average prices and make sure you are not being taken for a ride.

When you are ready to make an offer, bring in a specialist to inspect plumbing, electrics and structure, with attention to the roof. If he uncovers something, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t buy the property, but it puts you in a position to negotiate on the price.

Work out what your budget is before buying a house. Remember to include monthly costs like bond payments, insurance, water, electricity, and any levies. Being over cautious will protect you from a nasty surprise later on.

Something a lot of potential home owners overlook is considering the costs of ongoing property maintenance. The ability to own a home takes hard work and is a long-term financial responsibility. You should take into consideration costs of maintaining your home, making improvements or repairing things if they break.

Building and DIY - Key points to remember

There are some brave souls, who prefer to do their own homebuilding or home renovations, rather than hiring a licensed general contractor. These owner builders, as they are known, manage the building schedule and take all the responsibility for the project. Building and DIY can be fun, but there are some key points to remember.

  • It requires a huge personal commitment. Your time, money, knowledge and physical presence will drive the project and ensure its timely completion. If you are not closely involved, chances are nothing will get done.
  • You take over the legal responsibility for hiring a team of workmen to complete the project. Even though you will do some things yourself, you will need help along the way. The owner builder will have to choose his work team and manage their compensation and working conditions.
  • It requires at least some skill. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it will cost you time, patience and a lot of money. Take the time to learn at least some building and DIY skills before you take the plunge.
  • Plan as much as possible beforehand. The old saying – fail to plan, plan to fail – is very true in this regard. Planning every detail before you turn the first sod, will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
  • Overestimate, rather than underestimate costs. Building and DIY are full of surprises. Tiles will break, walls might have to be repainted, you might need more of something than anticipated.

Building and DIY could be hugely rewarding and might even save you some costs as hiring a general contractor adds to your renovation bill. However, be very clear and honest with yourself about what you want and about your own ability. Otherwise, your dream house could turn into your worst nightmare.

Babyproof your home

Babyproof your home to help keep your baby safe. Accidents do happen, but there are a lot you can do to try and minimize these accidents.

If you have stairs, babyproof it by installing a safety gate at the top and bottom. Parents often think installing at just one end is good enough.

Keep electrical appliances unplugged or at least out of reach when you are done using them. It not only creates an electrical hazard, but can also fall on your baby if they pull on the cord. Speaking of cords, tie up long electrical cords. This will keep it out of their way when they go on a crawl expedition and prevent them from tripping over them or pulling on them.

Babies love placing things in their mouth’s as this is the way they get familiar with the world around them. Babyproof tip is to always check the floor or low places for any small objects a child can get hold of and swallow. Not only will it be a choking hazard but items may have germs and potential viruses.

Another thing babies love is sticking their fingers into holes and electrical sockets may look like fun. Install babyproof covers on all your electrical outlets to prevent any harm coming to your bundle of curious joy.

Your baby can’t read and a big warning sign on a bottle does not mean anything to them. Keep cleaning supplies or poisonous liquids in a high cupboard and locked away. This also holds true for medicines. Because it’s a medicine or vitamin does not mean it won’t harm your baby. Recommended doses for babies are much lower than for children or adults. So swallowing too much of a medicine can harm your baby. Buy babyproof locks for any cabinets containing potential dangerous objects. This includes cabinets for glassware, cookware, silverware etc.

When working with a stove, use the back burners when possible and always turn your pot handles inward. When they get adventurous they will stand up against anything and a hot stove is not a good idea, so always know where your baby is and guide him/her away from the stove.

A swimming pool poses an obvious threat, but water indoors can also be dangerous. Never leave water standing in a bath, sink or bucket. A baby can drown in just a small amount of water. Never leave your baby unattended in a bath or basin, even for a second. If for any reason your baby gets access to a hot water tap, prevent possible scolding by turning down the heat on your geyser.

Babyproof your home and take some of the anxiety out of parenting.